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YUBA COUNTY WATER AGENCY Relicensing Website > Technical References > 01 - Geology and Soils  

Technical References

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This folder contains technical references relied on by YCWA during the Relicensing. 
1991 - Kondolf and Mathews.pdf
1991 - Kondolf and MathewsUse SHIFT+ENTER to open the menu (new window).
4/27/2012 7:22 AMESW\jim.lynch
2003 - Child et al.pdf
2003 - Child et alUse SHIFT+ENTER to open the menu (new window).
4/27/2012 7:21 AMESW\jim.lynch
2007wr006703-ds01_cut_master list only.xls
2007wr006703-ds01_cut_master list onlyUse SHIFT+ENTER to open the menu (new window).
5/18/2011 5:08 PMESW\sheila.pitts
2009 - Minear and Kondolf.pdf
2009 - Minear and KondolfUse SHIFT+ENTER to open the menu (new window).
4/27/2012 7:22 AMESW\jim.lynch
2010 - Pasternack Fulton and Morford - Yuba River Habitat Rehabilitation.pdf
2010 - Pasternack Fulton and Morford - Yuba River Habitat RehabilitationUse SHIFT+ENTER to open the menu (new window).
4/27/2012 7:21 AMESW\jim.lynch
2010-0920 - James Proposal to YCWA.pdf
2010-0920 - James Proposal to YCWAUse SHIFT+ENTER to open the menu (new window).
8/7/2011 12:00 PMESW\jim.lynch
2012 - Pasternack and Wyrick - Landforms of the Lower Yuba River.pdf
2012 - Pasternack and Wyrick - Landforms of the Lower Yuba RiverUse SHIFT+ENTER to open the menu (new window).
4/27/2012 7:21 AMESW\jim.lynch
Hunderlach et al - 2004-5165.pdf
Hunderlach et al - 2004-5165Use SHIFT+ENTER to open the menu (new window).
4/8/2010 1:40 PMESW\jim.lynch
Snyder - 2006.pdf
Snyder - 2006Use SHIFT+ENTER to open the menu (new window).
4/8/2010 1:41 PMESW\jim.lynch
snyder_etal_WRR_2004Use SHIFT+ENTER to open the menu (new window).
5/18/2011 5:08 PMESW\sheila.pitts
TM-68 GS-S2 LMR Geomorph.pdf
TM-68 GS-S2 LMR GeomorphUse SHIFT+ENTER to open the menu (new window).
5/18/2011 5:08 PMESW\sheila.pitts