The initial FERC license for the Project expires April 30, 2016. YCWA has followed FERC’s Integrated Licensing Process (ILP), as described in Title 18 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Subchapter B, Part 5, to prepare an application for a new license. Major filings by YCWA have included: 1) a Notice of Intent to File an Application for a New License, filed on November 5, 2010; 2) a Pre-Application Document (PAD), filed on November 5, 2010; 3) a Proposed Study Plan, filed on April 19, 2011; 4) a Revised Study Plan, filed on August 17, 2011; 5) an Initial Study Report, filed on December 3, 2012; 6) an Updated Study Report, filed on December 3, 2013; 7) a Draft Application for a New License Major Project – Existing Dam, filed on December 3, 2013; and 8) a Final Application for a New License Major Project – Existing Dam, filed on April 28, 2014. Each of these YCWA filings can be found under “Relicensing Documents” on the Quick Launch bar to the left.